Wearing Ladies Sashes

The correct method of wearing Ladies Sashes

These three versions have the approval of Sir Thomas Innes of Learney, one time Lord Lyon King of Arms. They also appear in Frank Adams book, "The Clans Septs and Regiments of the Scottish Highlands", and in "Tartans and Highland Dress" by MacKinnon of Dunakin.

  1. The sash is worn over the right shoulder, across the breast and secured by a brooch on the right shoulder. This style is worn by clanswomen, women of the clan surname and septs by birth or marriage.
  2. The sash is worn over the left shoulder, across the right breast and secured with a brooch on the left shoulder. This style is worn by Lady Chiefs, chieftainesses, the wives of clan chiefs and chieftains, and the wives of colonels of Highland regiments.
  3. The sash is worn over the right shoulder and tied in a bow, or secured with a pin, at the waist on the left. This style is worn by ladies who have married out of their clan but who still wish to use their original clan tartan.

Doreen Robinson got in touch to say that "members of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society have been granted permission by Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, to wear their sashes on the left shoulder.� This is an honour bestowed upon the Society because she is Patron". (Electric Scotland)

Tartan Accessories

Blair Urquhart

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